Seven Modern Fatigues That Quietly Drain Your Energy Every Day

Victor Mong
8 min read3 days ago
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

It’s not just the task of managing the daily demands of work, family, and ambition that exhausts modern individuals—no, our fatigue is deeper, more existential.

You’re fighting subtle energy drains that silently erode your mental, emotional, and even spiritual strength every single day.

We live in a time of unprecedented technological advancement, yet beneath the surface of comfort and convenience lies a pervasive sense of fatigue that quietly drains our energy every day.

This fatigue is not only physical but psychological, moral, and even spiritual. We’re, as it were, tired to the bone, yet unable to fully understand why.

We know we’re exhausted, but the roots of our fatigue are often so buried under layers of habit and cultural noise that we fail to address them. The energy drain is subtle, persistent, and inescapable.

Here are seven forms of fatigue that define the modern human experience, often going unnoticed but contributing to a deeper sense of exhaustion.

The Silent Energy Sapper in Your Pocket

You know this one. You wake up, check your phone, and before you’ve even had your coffee, you’re already bombarded with notifications, news, emails, and endless…



Victor Mong

I write about human potential, building a life you want & mastering your mind ||