5 Habits That Will Make You a High-Value Person

You can learn to be in charge of situations

Victor Mong
5 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by Jopwell: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-standing-while-using-phone-2422289/

Have you ever met someone and you know instantly that they bring a lot to the table?

It could be the way they listen actively when you talk with them or how they quickly grasp a problem and can come up with a solution.

They’re organized, always learning and growing, and want to improve and things better than they met it.

This is how you know a high-value person. When you have a high-value person around you, they make you feel like there’s nothing is impossible.

Are people born with these traits/skill or is it something anyone can learn and master?

It turns out that becoming a high-value person can be developed in the same way that you learn to any other trait.

Here are five habits that will make you a high-value person.

Become an Emotional Ninja

How you manage your emotions determines whether you’re a person of high value or not.

This is because our emotions impact our decisions and actions. And high-value people are emotional ninjas.

They’ve reach or are working toward a level of self-understanding that allows them to…



Victor Mong
Victor Mong

Written by Victor Mong

I write about human potential, building a life you want & mastering your mind || info.victormong@gmail.com

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