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4 Writing Rules To Elevate Your Content Quality And Skyrocket Engagement
How to get more people to enjoy reading your work
You’re in a contest for the attention of online readers, just like millions of other writers.
How do you create quality writing and get the attention of readers, given that the vast majority of them just skim rather than read?
Producing engaging writing that gets attention is hard, but these 4 rules can make a lot of difference.
Pick Words Your Readers Use
What do you do when someone tries to turn a conversation into a vocabulary contest?
You laugh at them, right? You ask them to get serious or you tune off.
Unless you’re in the same field, using complex words and jargon during a conversation is a turn-off.
Top writers know that writing is like having a conversation with the reader. So they get readers’ attention by communicating in plain language that they can easily understand.
Your content engage readers and elicit reaction if it’s delivered in simple and plain words.
A study of how people read and navigate on the web shows that they perform tasks faster when language is simplified.