Do You Know About The Three Levels of Human Experience?

How happiness, meaning, and fulfillment drive our lives.

Victor Mong
6 min readJun 21, 2023
Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Life is a journey through a continuum toward happiness and fulfillment.

Think of this continuum as a ruler with three distinct points. Imagine that instead of measuring length, each point represents a specific level of experience.

Back in the 90s at the University of Pennsylvania, Martin Seligman started to study the secrets of happiness and the search for meaning in life.

Seligman and his team carried out a series of experiments to uncover the forces behind flourishing in life.

He wanted to find out what truly brings happiness and meaning to our lives and how we cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning.

The outcomes of Seligman’s work gave birth to the “three levels of human experience.”

Seligman showed that at every stage of our lives, we all operate at a specific level of experience along the continuum.

The level at which you find yourself impacts how you see yourself, what you do, your values and goals, what motivates you, and what gives you joy and meaning.

Even if we don’t often consciously think about this, our choices and actions are driven by the…



Victor Mong

I write about human potential, building a life you want & mastering your mind ||